YEMEN Press Agency

UAE-backed militias demolish civilian’s house in Aden

ADEN, Oct. 20 (YPA) – UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council Militias have demolished a civilian’s house in the southern port city of Aden, local sources reported on Sunday.


According to the Local sources, STC militias belonging to a leader in Lahj, demolished the house of civilian Mohammed Ahmed Korda, after expelling his family from the house which is located in Mansoura district.

It is reported that an officer of the STC purchased land near Kara’s residence in 2017, and is now claiming ownership of the Yemeni civilian’s property as well. This is a likely cause of the sudden burst of violence.

In press statements, Karda said that a number of military pickups surrounded his house and broke into the home to bring the family out.

The armed elements started to demolish the house with bulldozers, despite Karda having had the ownership paper on the land since 1994.

His wife was assaulted and severely beaten by the militias, resulting in bleeding from her head.

Aden is witnessing a breakdown of security and deterioration in various basic services, in addition to Emirati and mercenaries forces routinely seizing land for their own private use.