YEMEN Press Agency

Coalition continues to violate Stockholm Agreement in Hodeidah

HODEIDAH, Sept. 12 (YPA) – In flagrant ongoing violations for the UN-sponsored Stockholm Agreement in Hodeidah, Saudi-led coalition forces waged attacks against the Yemeni army ‘sites in the province, a military official said on Thursday.

According to the official, the Yemeni army foiled two attacks carried out by the coalition and its mercenaries towards Hais district, leaving heavy casualties on the mercenaries.

After the failure of the attack on Hais, the mercenaries heavy fired artillery at residential areas in al-Duryhimi district in the same province, damaging to citizens houses.

On Wednesday, the army repelled an the mercenaries’ offensives towards the army’s sites in Hais, causing large losses on the mercenaries, the official added.