YEMEN Press Agency

Official spokesman: Saudi-led aggression inaugurates the New Hijri Year with a horrific massacre in Dhamar

SANAA, Sept. 1 (YPA) – Head of the national negotiating delegation, and official spokesman for Ansarullah Mohammed Abdulsalam on Sunday commented on the gruesome massacre committed by the US-backed Saudi-led coalition against war prisoners in Dhamar province, which left dozens dead and wounded.

“The US-Saudi aggression is launching the New Hijri Year with a horrific massacre targeting a prisoner’s center in Dhamar province,” Mohammed Abdul Salam said in a tweet today.

He pointed out that this massacre proves once again the brutality and criminality that characterized Saudi-led aggression throughout its unjust aggression and a message to all Yemenis that your blood is cheap in any direction you are.

On Sunday, the US-backed Saudi-Emirati aggression targeted a special prison for prisoners in Dhamar province, resulting in dozens of deaths and injuries.