YEMEN Press Agency

Report: King Salman is very upset with the UAE

SANAA, Aug. 29 (YPA) – Informed sources revealed to an international agency, on Wednesday, that there are signs of a rift in between Saudi Arabia and the UAE due to the conflict of ideas and vision between the two countries on various issues, the most important of which is the Yemeni affairs.

Reuters reported that Saudi King Salman bin Abdul Aziz took an unusual step this month at his palace in Mecca and expressed his deep annoyance with the UAE.

The sources told the agency that the Saudi king get annoyed during his conversation with the outgoing president, Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, on August 11.

He added: “The direct source of tension is Yemen’s grinding war, and the most comprehensive reason is the decision that the UAE seems to have taken to serve narrower national interests, and to show itself as the more mature partner who can stabilize the region even if the point behind this is to reduce losses, and go ahead without Riyadh.”

“The UAE wants to show up like a small country that facilitates peace and stability, not a Saudi party that seems victorious and tends to expand,” the sources said, noting that “it is in some way a matter of presenting their interests, because they believe that if Saudi Arabia tends to expand, it will swallow them.”