ADEN, Aug. 6 (YPA) – The Saudi-led coalition backed- government has described the “Southern Transitional Council” as a terrorist entity.
The move came in a response to Hani Bin Brik’s statements to expel the so-called “legitimacy ” the exiled Hadi’s government from Aden.
The marks unprecedented step in which the exiled “Hadi’s government ” held the UAE responsible for the escalation in the occupied provinces.
Mukhtar al-Rahbi, an adviser to the Yemeni minister of information in the coalition-backed government said that the calls of the vice president of the so-called Southern Transition Council ( STC), Hani Ben Brik to expel a the fugitive government from Aden, is deemed a “declaration of war”,
He blamed the UAE for the consequences of these calls.
Al-Rahbi told ” Yemen Shabab TV” that that any attack on the Palace of Al-Ma’ashiq and ministers in the occupied province of Aden bears full responsibility for the UAE.
Al-Rahbi explained that “calls for incitement by the terrorist and wanted for justice Hani Ben Brik are deemed a declaration of war against the government of the so-called legitimacy and against the coalition that came to support the government of the exiled Hadi”.
“Therefore, any attack on the government or one of its members or on the palace of al-Qasiq is a declaration of war by the state that supports and assumes full responsibility, namely the UAE,” he said.
“The coalition and the international community condemn the UAE’s absurd support for armed militias,” he added.
He noted that “the so-called Transition Council does not have the right to speak on behalf of the South, there are political components that reject what the transitional and its militias are doing as well.”
Hani Ben Brik , at a press conference on Tuesday morning called for a popular uprising to expel the exiled Hadi government from Aden