YEMEN Press Agency

Transport Minister inspects work at Sanaa Int’l Airport

SANAA, July 29 (YPA) – Minister of Transport in the National Salvation Government Zakaria al-Shami on Monday inspected the work at Sanaa International Airport and the airport’s readiness to receive flight of the United Nations and international organizations.

The minister was briefed by Director of Sanaa Airport Khalid al-Shaif on the services provided by the airport in accordance with international requirements and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) standards.

During his meeting with the airport staff, al-Shami stressed the importance of redoubling efforts to improve the level of performance at the airport, noting that the rehabilitation and modernization of Sanaa International Airport comes within priorities of the ministry’s plan for the first phase of the national vision for building the modern Yemeni state.

Al-Shami’s visit to the airport coincided with the arrival of six flights of the United Nations, Doctors Without Borders (MSF) and the International Committee of Red Cross and a cargo plane carrying medicines provided by the ICRC.