YEMEN Press Agency

President al-Mashat directs authorities to seize new printed currency

SANAA, July 28 (YPA) – President of the Supreme Political Council Mahdi al-Mashat on Sunday directed the competent authorities to take rapid measures to size the new printed currency in order to contribute to reducing the deterioration of the national currency.

During his meeting with Governor of the Central Bank of Yemen Dr. Mohammed al-Sayani, the president touched on the wrong practices and random decisions taken by Aden and the continued printing of the currency without cover, which led to the decline of the national currency value against the dollar.

The meeting dealt with the impacts of the economic war launched by Saudi-led aggression coalition countries and their mercenaries on citizens’ lives in all provinces of the country.

President al-Mashat explained that not depositing the revenues from Marib, Hadramout and Mahra provinces into the state treasury has had a negative impact on the national economy.

In the meeting, the President noted that the Ministry of Finance was directed to pay a half of salary to all employees of the state before Eid al-Adha.

For his part, the Central Bank’s Governor appreciated the efforts exerted by President al-Mashat to follow up the economic situation and issue directives that contribute to its stability.