YEMEN Press Agency

Dhamar Hospital Authority denies coalition’s claims, warns against any possible attack

DHAMAR, July 2 (YPA) – Dhamar General Hospital Authority on Monday has warned Saudi-led coalition to target its facilities.

The authority denied the coalition’s allegations that its news outlets are promoting and accusing the authority of establishing a secret prison at the hospital.

“These fake news and fabrications of the aggression coalition are aimed at misleading in order to destroy the infrastructures of Yemen,” the authority said in a statement issued on Monday evening.

The management of the Hospital confirmed that it is a “medical civil facility and will continue to provide its humanitarian medical services to all categories of society without exception.”
and the testimony of many supporting international organizations through frequent visits to the Commission by its representatives”.

The organizations ‘ visits to the hospital “refuted such allegations, and they deal with the authority as an important health facility in the province, where thousands of citizens of different categories receiving treatment.”

The Dhamar Hospital Authority renewed its condemnation of the continuation and persistence of the aggression in targeting health installations and facilities.
“The Saudi-led coalition aimed to close the health system through its continued unjust blockade and preventing the entry of medical devices, equipment, medicines and therapies, ” the statement read.

The Authority further warned the coalition “to fabricate excuses to target the hospital that provides medical services for 24 hours a day and employs more than 500 employees covering all medical, technical and administrative disciplines”.

It called on the United Nations and the UN Security Council to take deterrent measures to stop the aggression and lift the blockade on medicines and medical supplies as a granted right and prevent it is a violation of UN charters and humanitarian laws.
