YEMEN Press Agency
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UAE removes projects’ signs in Socotra

SOCOTRA, Jun. 28 (YPA) – The UAE forces in Socotra Island, southern Yemen, have written off the banners of Yemeni and Arab projects in the city of Hadibo, the capital of the island. Local sources in the city said, "The removal of Saudi…

Narcotic “Shabu” mixed with tobacco invades Socotra

SOCOTRA, Jun. 27 (YPA) – Informed sources on Sunday revealed the first operation to promote hashish and drugs in the Yemeni Socotra archipelago province, controlled by the UAE. The sources confirmed that one of the elements brought in by…

Armed ambush targets tribal sheikh in Shabwa

SHABWA, Jun. 24 (YPA) - A prominent military leader and tribal sheikh on Friday survived an armed ambush in Shabwa province, eastern Yemen. Informed sources said: "Unidentified gunmen set up an armed ambush for the military leader and…

STC mobilizes military reinforcements to Abyan

ABYAN, Jun. 23 (YPA) - The UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC)'s militia on Thursday pushed military reinforcements at dawn Thursday towards Abyan Stadium in Zinjbar city of Abyan province, southern Yemen, tribal sources said.…

UAE dispatches new military force to Hadramout valley

HADRAMOUT, Jun. 19 (YPA) – New Emirati forces arrived in the districts of the oil-rich Hadramout province, in eastern Yemen, informed sources reported on Saturday. The sources confirmed that, during the past two days, the UAE moved about…