YEMEN Press Agency
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Saudi bombing hits border areas in Saada

SAADA, Sept. 14 (YPA) - The Saudi army bombarded on Thursday border areas in Saada province, local source told Yemen Press Agency. The source reported that the Saudi army shelled border areas of border Sheda district with artillery shells…

Civilians wounded after Saudi shelling on Saada

SAADA, Sept.11 (YPA) - Two citizens were injured on Monday after the Saudi artillery fired at the residential areas of Saada province. According medical sources, the two wounded people arrived at Razih Rural Hospital as a result of the…

Civilian injured by Saudi army fire in Saada

SAADA, Aug. 23 (YPA) - A citizen was wounded by Saudi army bullets on Wednesday in the border district of Sheda, Saada province. A security source stated that the injured was transferred to Razih Rural Hospital, confirming that the Saudi…

Over 600 families affected by torrents in Saada

SAADA, Aug. 22 (YPA) - The number of families affected by the torrents in Saada province during the past days generally reached 525 families in three districts, and about 60 families whose status has not been verified, a local official said…

Saudi drones launch attack on Saada 

SAADA, Aug. 07 (YPA) - Saudi drones attacked on Monday the border areas of Saada province in northern Yemen. A security source told "Yemeni Press Agency" that the Saudi army's drones dropped a bomb on the border district of Sheda, but…

Civilian killed in Saudi artillery shelling in Saada

SAADA, Aug. 02 (YPA) - A civilian was killed on Wednesday as a result of Saudi bombing targeted populated border areas in Saada province, northern Yemen. According to a security source, Saudi artillery shelling targeted areas in the border…