YEMEN Press Agency
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Yemen & World

Security Council to hold new session on Yemen

NEW YORK, Sept. 07 (YPA) - The UN Security Council will hold a new session next Monday to discuss the latest developments on the Yemeni scene. According to the German News Agency, the Security Council will hold a session on September 11 to…

Al-Ezzi sends warning messages to traitors

SANAA, Sept.05 (YPA) - A top official in Sanaa government has sent warning messages to the traitors and their worn-out tools. “The September 21 revolution of September is able to crush the traitors if necessary. It is the only revolution in…

Rare Yemeni antiquities sold at auction in France

SANAA, Sept. 05 (YPA) - The Yemeni researcher specializing in antiquities, Abdullah Mohsen, revealed on Monday the sale of a group of rare Yemeni antiquities at a public auction in Paris. Mohsen said on his Facebook page that among the…