YEMEN Press Agency
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German FM: Europe will not give into American threats

SANAA, July 24 (YPA) - Germany will not give to threats from the United States on a trade dispute and wants to resolve it through negotiations, German Foreign Minister said on Tuesday. "We have to stick together in Europe," he told German…

China buys majority stake in Arab mining company

SANAA, July 23 (YPA) - China's SDIC said in a statement on Monday that it would buy the Canadian Nutrien Company's stake in Arab Potash Company, which amounts 28 per cent, for $ 502 million. SDIC Mining Investment Co., a subsidiary of the…

Hundreds of settlers desecrate Aqsa Mosque

SANAA, July 22 (YPA) - Hundreds of the Israeli occupation settlers on Sunday desecrated the Aqsa Mosque’s courtyards under tight police guard in memory of the so-called "destruction of the Temple. According to the news agencies, hundreds of…