YEMEN Press Agency
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Egypt produces Frigate with French technology

SANAA, Sep. 8 (YPA) – The expert in military affairs and the Editor-in-Chief of the Egyptian newspaper Al-Ahram Jamil Afify said that Egypt managed to produce a frigate by Egyptian experts. In a statement to the Satellite Channel RT TV, he…

New wildfires erupt in Northern California

SANAA, Sept. 8 (YPA) - Firefighters continued their efforts to contain a new wildfire in Northern California which have come to Friday for about 10,000 hectares of land in two days, News outlets reported on Saturday. The fire dubbed “Delta…

Abu Dhabi Crown Prince meets US Defense Secretary

SANAA, Sep. 8 (YPA) - Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan and US Defense Secretary James Matisse discussed bilateral relations and military cooperation in Abu Dhabi on Friday, according to the UAE news agency (WAM).…

Italy arrests Tuensa seafarers Save migrants from drowning

SANAA, Sep. 8 (YPA) - Italian authorities arrested six Tunisians, including the captain, 25 miles south of the island of Lampedusa, near Italian territorial waters, after a number of migrants were about to drown. Tunisian media reported…