YEMEN Press Agency
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Unknown gunmen attack military parade in Iran

SANAA, Sept.22 (YPA) - Dozens of people were killed and wounded on Saturday morning in a terrorist attack on a military parade in southwestern Iran. According to Reuters, the Iranian state television reported that dozens were killed after…

Rouhani: Iran will defeat Trump as it did with Saddam

SANAA, Sep. 22 (YPA) - US President Donald Trump will fail to confront Iran just as Saddam Hussein failed, Iranian President Hassan Rowhani said on Saturday. Rohani pointed to the 1980 war, between Iran and Iraq, and vowed Tehran would not…

U.K. will certainly withdraw from the EU : British PM

SANAA, Sept. 20 (Saba) – U.K. Prime Minister Theresa Mary May said that no other referendum on the withdrawing from the European Union. May said during a press conference on Thursday that held in Salzburg on that "It's certain that U.K.…

Violent blast rocks eastern Afghan city

SANAA, Sept 20 (YPA) - A violent blast was heard in the eastern Afghan city of Jalalabad in Nangarhar province, killing two people, the media reported on Thursday morning. The number of victims of the explosion is being determined,…

Palestinian family arrested in West bank

SANAA, Sept.20 (YPA) - The Israeli occupation forces on Thursday arrested an entire Palestinian family in the town of Hebron, southern West Bank. Palestinian media said that the Israeli occupation raided Wad Abu Kataliah in the north part…

3 directors of a Turkish television channel sentenced

SANAA, Sep. 20 (YPA) - A three-year and nine-month prison sentence in Istanbul sentenced three former executives of the closed Hayatin Sisi television station on charges of publishing "terrorist propaganda." The agency of France Press said…

France waits for appointment of ambassador to Tehran

SANAA, Sep. 19 (YPA) - France will not appoint a new ambassador to Tehran unless it receives information from Iran about a failed plot to blow up an Iranian opposition conference in Paris in June, French officials said on Wednesday. An…