YEMEN Press Agency
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U.S.-Saudi Aggression

Woman killed in Saudi-led airstrike on Saada

SAADA, July 22 (YPA)  - A woman was killed and another one injured on Sunday in a Saudi-led air strike on Saada province, an official told Yemen Press Agency. The strike hit a house of the citizens in Ghafar area of Dhaher district. Ali…

Update: 8 Saudi-led airstrikes target Hodiedah

HODIEDAH, July 22 (YPA) – Eight airstrikes of the Saudi-led coalition fighter jets on Sunday targeted Hodiedah province, an official told Yemen Press Agency. The strikes hit al-Tuhitah and Zabid, al-Luhaih districts, as well as Kamaran…

7 Saudi-led airstrikes hit Hodeidah

HODEIDAH, July 7 (YPA) - Seven Saudi-led airstrikes hit on Sunday Hodeidah province, a security official told Yemen Press agency. Four airstrikes hit Al-Aloui area, three others Tuyaita district and rural areas of Zabid. Ahmed…

Army Shells Saudi Soldiers In Jizan

JIZAN, July 22 (YPA) - The Yemeni army on Sunday bombarded gatherings of Saudi soldiers in several sites of Jizan region, a military source said. The army launched missile and artillery shelling, targeting gatherings of Saudi soldiers in…

5 Saudi-Led Strikes Hit Hodeidah

HODEIDAH, July 22 (YPA) - The US-Saudi warplanes on Sunday waged five airstrikes on Hodeidah province, an official said. Four raids attacked al-Alaui area in al-Lahia district, while another one hit Kamran island. Moon

Army Destroyed 2 Military Vehicles In Yemen’s Western Coast

WESTERN COAST, July 22 (YPA) - The Yemeni army and popular committees destroyed on Sunday two military vehicles belonging to coalition's troops in the western coast front, a military source told Yemen Press Agency. The army destroyed an…

Army Snipes 3 Militiamen Of Saudi Army In Jizan

JIZAN, July 22 (YPA) - The Yemeni army snipers on Sunday killed three militiamen of Saudi army in Jizan province, a military source said. The militiamen were gunned down off al-Dood mountain. Meanwhile, the army's artillery targeted…

Woman Injured In Saudi Shelling On Saada

SAADA, July 22 (YPA) - A woman was injured on Sunday as a result of Saudi missile and artillery bombing on Saada province, an official said. The bombardment targeted popular areas in border Monabih district, wounding the woman. Moon