YEMEN Press Agency
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U.S.-Saudi Aggression

Army Fires Zilzal-1 Missile To Jizan

JIZAN, June 23 (YPA) - The Yemeni army fired on Saturday a Zilzal-1 missile to Jizan region, killing and injuring several of Saudi army's militiamen, a military source said. Zilzal-1 missile and several of artillery shells were launched,…

Dozens of Saudi-backed militiamen killed, wounded in Jizan

JIZAN, June 23 (YPA) – Dozens of Saudi-backed militiamen on Saturday were killed and injured, when the Yemeni army repelled their infiltration in Jizan province, a military official said. The infiltration was in the east of Dokhan military…

Dozens Of Militiamen Loyal To Coalition Killed In Taiz

TAIZ, June 23 (YPA) - Dozens of coalition's militiamen were killed on Saturday and others wounded, when the army repelled their infiltration attempt in Taiz province, a military source said. The failed infiltration which lasted for hours…

6 Saudi-Led Airstrikes Attack Hajjah

HAJJAH, June 23 (YPA) - The Saudi-led coalition fighter jets attacked on Saturday separate areas of Haradh district in Hajjah province with six raids, an official said. Thekra

Army Repels Infiltration Attempt In Asir

ASIR, June 23 (YPA) - The Yemeni army repelled on Saturday an infiltration attempt of Saudi army's militiamen in Asir region, a military source told Yemen Press Agency. The army foiled the infiltration off Alb crossing, killing and wounding…

Army Inflicts Heavy losses To Saudi Army’s Militia In Najran

NAJRAN, June 23 (YPA) - The army launched on Saturday two separate offensives against Saudi army's militiamen in Najran region, inflicting them heavy losses in lives, an official said. The army launched the offensives against the militia in…