YEMEN Press Agency
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U.S.-Saudi Aggression

Coalition forces implement 91 violations in Hodeidah

HODEIDAH, Aug. 7 (YPA) – The Saudi-led aggression coalition and its mercenaries have carried out 91 violations of the UN-sponsored ceasefire agreement in Hodeidah province over the past 24 hours. According to an official of the Liaison and…

3 Saudi-led airstrikes hit Saada

SAADA, Aug. 7 (YPA) – The US-backed Saudi-led coalition launched three airstrikes on Saada province, northern Yemen, a security official said on Thursday. According to the official, the airstrikes were waged on Kitaf border district. E.M

Death toll of Saudi airstrikes on Jawf rises to 20

JAWF, Aug. 6 (YPA) -The death toll of Saudi-led coalition airstrikes on Khub Washeaf district in Jawf province on Thursday, has risen to twenty, mostly children and women, an official said. The coalition warplanes waged three raids on…

10 citizens killed, 12 wounded in coalition airstrikes on Jawf

SANAA, Aug. 6 (YPA) – At least ten citizens, mostly children and women, were killed and 12 others were wounded in an initial toll as a result of Saudi-led coalition airstrikes on Khab Washaf district in Jawf province on Thursday, a security…

Armed clashes resume in Abyan

ABYAN, Aug. 6 (YPA) – The armed clashes resumed on Thursday between the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC)’s militias militants of the "Islah Party" in Abyan province, southern Yemen. Local sources in the province reported that…