YEMEN Press Agency
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U.S.-Saudi Aggression

Coalition fighters continue to hit Marib

MARIB, Nov. 29 (YPA) – The Saudi-led coalition fighter jets continued to hit different areas of Marib province, a security official told Yemen Press Agency. The official affirmed that the combat jet hit Majzar district of Marib three times…

Three militants killed in Aden

ADEN, Nov. 29 (YPA) – Three militants of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) militia were killed and six others wounded in Yemen's southern province of Aden, according to sources. The sources affirmed that the STC militant…

Security forces thwart Al-Qaeda operation in Bayda

BAYDA, Nov. 29 (YPA) – Ministry of Interior said that the its security forces thwarted on Sunday an operation carried out by Al-Qaeda elements in Bayda province. The spokesman of the interior ministry Brigadier General Abdul Khaleq Al-Ajri,…

Leader in al-Qaeda killed in Abyan

ABYAN, Nov. 29 (YPA) - A senior al-Qaeda leader was shot dead by gunmen in southern Yemen's Abyan province on Saturday, local sources said. According to the sources, gunmen ambushed the local leader of al-Qaeda Abu Salem al-Walidi nicknamed…

Coalition fighters target capital Sanaa

SANAA, Nov. 29 (YPA) – The Saudi-led coalition warplanes launched on Sunday a series of airstrikes on the capital Sanaa, a security official told Yemen Press Agency. The official affirmed that the combat jets waged two strikes on Sanaa…