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108 Saudi soldiers killed, wounded during March 2018

SANAA, April. 4 (YPA) – At least 108 of Saudi army officers and soldiers were killed and injured during confrontations with the Yemeni army in Jizan, Najran and Asir fronts during the month of March 2018, According to statistics announced…

Coalition warplanes launch 5 strikes on Saada

SAADA, Apr. 4 (YPA) – The US-backed Saudi-led coalition warplanes on Wednesday launched five airstrikes on Saada province, a security official told Yemen Press Agency. Three of the airstrikes were waged on Jaamaliah area of Majz district,…

Saudi Arabia blocks Yemenis from Umrah

SANAA,April.4 (YPA)- For the fourth consecutive year, the Saudi authorities have decided to block Yemenis from performing the rituals of Umrah  for this year, despite earlier promises to open the registration through Hajj and Umrah agencies…

Army kills two Saudi soldiers in Najran

NAJRAN, April 4 (YPA) – The Yemeni army killed two Saudi soldiers in Saudi military sites in Najran province on Wednesday, a military official told Yemen Press Agency. The soldiers were targeted in sites of al-Nahuqah and Sudis,…

Two women killed in coalition fighter jets on Saada

SAADA, April 4 (YAP) – Two women were killed and four others injured when the Saudi-led coalition fighter jets waged a strike on their house in Monabah district of Saada provinceon Wednesday, an official told Yemen Press Agency. The strike…