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Several Saudi-backed militias killed in Jawf

JAWF, April 26 (YPA) – The Yemeni army on Thursday carried out offensive against Saudi-backed militias' positions in Jawf province, a military official told Yemen Press Agency. The attack targeted the militias' sites in Sabrin areas of Khab…

Army shoots dead four coalition militias in Marib

MARIB, April 26 (YPA) – The Yemeni army's sniper killed four coalition-backed militias in Serwah district of Marib province, a military official told Yemen Press Agency. The army hit the militias in al-Zughn area. On Wednesday, the army…

Health Minister mourns death of President Al-Sammad

SANAA, April 26 (YPA) - Minister of Public Health and Population, Mohammed Salem bin Hafeez expressed his deepest condolences and sincere condolences to the Yemeni political leadership and people on the killing of President Saleh al-Samad.…

Yemen army destroys tank in Taiz’s West coast

TAIZ, April 26 (YPA) – The Yemeni army on Thursday destroyed a tank of Saudi-backed militias in Taiz province, Ansar Allah Media Center reported. The tank was targeted by a guided missile in West Coast front, killing all its crew. On…

YWTUF mourns death of President al-Sammad

SANAA, April 26 (YPA) - The Yemen worker Trade Unions Federation mourned President Saleh Al-Sammad, who was martyred by coalition air raids during performing his national duty in Hodeidah province, according to a statement received by the…

PM General Secretariat mourns death of President al-Sammad

SANAA, April 26 (YPA) - The General Secretariat of the Prime Minister mourned  President Saleh Al-Sammad, who was killed by air raids in Hodeidah province after a life full of struggle, jihad and loyalty to the country despite the harsh…

Minister of Fish Wealth mourns President Al-Sammad

SANAA, April 26 (YPA) - Ministry of Fish Wealth mourned President Saleh Ali al-Sammad, who was martyred, last Thursday in Hodeidah province by Saud-led coalition air strikes, according to a statement obtained by Yemen Press Agency. Minister…