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Army kills dozens of coalition militants in Jawf

JAWF, April 2 (YPA) – The Yemeni army on Monday killed dozens of coalition militants, others injured and three militants vehicles in Jawf province, a military official told Yemen Press Agency.  The army hit the militants with their vehicles…

3 Saudi-led airstrikes hit Marib

MARIB,  April 2 (YPA) – The fighter jets of US-backed Saudi-led coalition on Monday launched three airstrikes on Marib province, an official told Yemen Press Agency. The airstrikes caused damages in residents houses and farms. Meanwhile,…

Bayda launched extensive cleaning campaign

BAYDA, April.2 (YPA) - The cleaning and improvement fund launched a comprehensive and an extensive cleaning campaign with the support of the National Foundation as part of the Integrated Health, Water and Sanitation Response Project for the…

Women organizations call for mass rally in Sanaa

SANAA, Apr. 2 (YPA) - Women organizations called for staging a mass rally in the capital Sanaa on Monday to show anger over raping a Yemeni girl by a soldier of the Saudi-led coalition, they said on a statement on Sunday. The protest rally…