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Airstrike of Saudi-led coalition targets Lahj

LAHJ, July 10 (YPA) – US-Saudi-led coalition fighter jets wage a strike on Lahj province, an official told Yemen Press Agency. The strike hit Ayram area of al-Qabitah district. The strikes came after the Yemeni army retook over strategic…

Man, his wife killed in Bayda

BAYDA, July 10 (YPA) – A northern man and his wife were killed by Saudi-UAE-led coalition in Bayda province, an official told Yemen Press Agency. The killed were targeted Qaniah checkpoint in the coalition-held areas. Propel of the northern…

Bonyan Foundation distributes 2500 food baskets in Ibb

IBB, July 10 (YPA) - Bonyan Development Foundation distributed on Tuesday 2500 food baskets in Ibb province. During the distribution process, the director of of a program of richness of the Foundation, Ibrahim Al-Wraith said  that the…

Women mass rally in Sanaa to denounce kidnapping of woman

SANAA, July 10 (YPA) – Women's Association of Ansar Allah in the capital Sanaa organized on Tuesday protest rally condemning the crime of kidnapping a woman by Saudi-backed militiamen and hiding her from her family in Jawf province. The…

Taiz Governor  inspects IDPs in Hodeidah situation

TAIZ, July 10 (YPA) - Governor of Taiz, Abdu al-Janadi, on Tuesday inspected the situation of displaced persons from Hodeidah, Makha and Waza'iyah and Mazia’a in the camp to receive displaced people in Houban district of Taiz province. The…

Saudi-led coalition airstrike hits Saada

SAADA, July 10 (YPA) – US-Saudi-led coalition fighter jets on Tuesday launched a strike on Saada province, a military official told Yemen Press Agency. The strike hit Olaf area of Saher district. Earlier, the fighter jets waged a series of…

Army destroys military vehicle, kills crew in Jawf

JAWF, July 10 (YPA) – The Yemeni army on Tuesday destroyed a military vehicle of coalition militiamen, killed its crew in Jawf province, a military official told Yemen Press Agency. The operation happened in Sabrain area. Earlier, dozens of…

Cabinet discusses gov’t performance, situation in fronts

SANAA, July 10 (YPA) – The Cabinet held in Sanaa on Tuesday its meeting, which was devoted to discuss several issues related to the government performance and the situation in the battle fronts against the aggression. In its meeting chaired…