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 Young girl kidnapped by unknown groups in Lahj

LAHJ, Sept. 5 (YPA) – A young girl was kidnapped by unknown groups in Yemen's southern province of Lahj, a reporter told Yemen Press Agency on Wednesday. The reporter said that the girl was snatched from a house of her relatives in…

Coalition Wage Airstrike On Hodeidah

HODEIDAH, Sept. 5 (YPA) - The US-Saudi fighter jets launched on Wednesday an airstrike on Hodeidah province, a local official told Yemen Press Agency. The raid targeted a citizen's home in Kilo 16 area of al-Hali district, the official…

Army Attacks Coalition’s Militia In Western Coast

WESTERN COAST, Sept. 5 (YPA) - The Yemeni army and popular committees attacked on Wednesday coalition-backed militiamen sites in the western coast front, inflicting them heavy losses in lives and equipment, a military source told Yemen…

Army repulses infiltration attempt in western coast

HODEIDAH, Sept. 5 (YPA) – The Yemeni army on Wednesday repelled an infiltration attempt of Saudi-led coalition militiamen in the western coast, killing and wounding dozens, a military official told Yemen Press Agency. The operation also…

Yemen army destroys military vehicle in Taiz

TAIZ, Sept. 5 (YPA) - The Yemeni army and popular committees on Wednesday managed to destroy a military vehicle belonging to the Saudi-backed militias in Yemen’s Taiz province, a military official told Yemen Press Agency. The…