YEMEN Press Agency
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Woman in her thirties gives birth to triplets in Sanaa

SANAA, Jun. 16 (YPA) - A thirty-year-old woman at Al-Sabeen Hospital for Maternity and Childhood in the capital, Sanaa, on Thursday gave birth to triplets by caesarean section, in a case that was repeated for the second time in less than…

Video shows offensive operation in Haradh SANAA, March 14 (YPA) - The military media of the Sanaa forces released on Monday live scenes showing an offensive operation carried out in Harath district of Hajjah province, western Yemen. The video showed…

Video: #Angelina_Jolie walks around Old #Sanaa SANAA, March 09 (YPA) - Actives posted a video showing the U.N. goodwill ambassador, #Angelina_Jolie, walked around Old Sanaa on Wednesday. On Sunday the UN High Commissioner's Office for Refugees…