YEMEN Press Agency
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Syrian condemns assassination of President Al-Sammad

SANAA, April 26  (YPA) - An official source at the Syrian Foreign Ministry on Thursday strongly condemned the assassination of the President Saleh al-Sammad, who was martyred by Saudi-led air strikes in Hodeidah province last Thursday. In a…

Several Coalition-Backed Militia Killed In Taiz, Marib

TAIZ, MARIB, April 26 (YPA) - The Yemeni army fighters launched offensives against coalition-backed militia, killing dozens and wounding others in Taiz and Marib provinces, a military official told Yemen Press Agency.

Several al-Qaeda militants Killed In Lahj

LAHJ, April 26 (YPA) - Several of al-Qaeda militants were killed on Wednesday by Yemen army fires in Lahj province, a military official told Yemen Press Agency. The army launched an offensive against coalition-backed militias' sites in…

Health Minister mourns death of President Al-Sammad

SANAA, April 26 (YPA) - Minister of Public Health and Population, Mohammed Salem bin Hafeez expressed his deepest condolences and sincere condolences to the Yemeni political leadership and people on the killing of President Saleh al-Samad.…

YWTUF mourns death of President al-Sammad

SANAA, April 26 (YPA) - The Yemen worker Trade Unions Federation mourned President Saleh Al-Sammad, who was martyred by coalition air raids during performing his national duty in Hodeidah province, according to a statement received by the…

PM General Secretariat mourns death of President al-Sammad

SANAA, April 26 (YPA) - The General Secretariat of the Prime Minister mourned  President Saleh Al-Sammad, who was killed by air raids in Hodeidah province after a life full of struggle, jihad and loyalty to the country despite the harsh…