YEMEN Press Agency

Emmanuel Macron calls on his people for national dialogue

SANAA, Jan. 14 (YPA) – French President Emmanuel Macron Sunday has called on his people to participate in a national dialogue and reject violence to solve the crisis that has plagued the country since the start of the yellow vest protests

In a letter published by the presidency office on all sites, newspapers and channels, announced the launch of a “big national dialogue” from Tuesday to March 15.

“The sense of lack of justice has become so great that it is necessary to show solidarity and assistance,” Macron said, adding that “France and Europe, as well as the world as a whole, are in a state of concern, and clear ideas must be presented in response to the crisis.”

He stressed his rejection of violence, in a clear reference to the recent violence in the Yellow vest protestors.

Emmanuel said that violence is totally unacceptable in the state’s institutions.

“We must ask the questions about our future together,” he said. For these reasons I propose and launched today a major national dialogue that will last until the 15th of March. ”

The mayors will play the role of mediator between the citizen and the state where the municipal buildings will be opened to citizens who want to express their opinions, demands and concerns, French President Emmanuel Macron said.