YEMEN Press Agency

Hawf tribes affirm their commitment to national sovereignty, confront Saudi occupation

MAHRAH, Dec. 19 (YPA) – The Organizing Committee for the sit-in of Hawf tribes in the eastern Yemeni province of Mahra said that the festival that will be held in the coming days as a part of their continued popular rejection of the Saudi occupation in the province.

In a statement obtained by YPA, it stressed that the festival comes a rejection of the control of the Saudi occupation on “Sarfit port of entry”, and to preserve national sovereignty and laws of Yemen.

According to the statement issued by the Committee, the festival’s message is to call for a large public rally to be held in the city of al-Ghadah, the capital of Mahrah, in the coming days, and to raise awareness of protecting Hawf reserve and its natural resources from the futility of the Saudi occupation forces.

The statement furthermore called for accounting the perpetrators of murdering protesters in Anfaq area and handing them over to the judiciary.

It also further condemned the attacks and provocations actions against the tribesmen of Mahrah as a result of establishing new military points by the occupation-backed militia in some provincial directorates.