YEMEN Press Agency

115 people killed in recent clashes in Libya’s capital, Tripoli

SANAA, Sept 23 (YPA) – The death toll of the recent clashes in the Libyan’s capital Tripoli rose to 115 people after 9 people were killed on Saturday after clashes renewed between warring sides in the Rabe’a valley and the airport road, Libyan medical sources said.

The Department of Wounded Affairs of the Ministry of Health of the government, “the national reconciliation,” said in a statement that the new dead, including two civilians, six unidentified people and one of the missing, noting that the number of wounded has risen to 383.

According to the statistics, the number of victims of armed battles in Tripoli since Aug. 26 reached to 115 dead, 383 wounded, and 17 missing.

The Presidential Council of the Libyan National Reconciliation government called on the international community to “take more practical measures to stop the war in the country.”

The Council “strongly condemned all acts of violence and intimidation of Libyans and attacks on their lives and property.”