YEMEN Press Agency

Islah Party demands return to administer Socotra Archipelago after UAE forces take control

SOCOTRA, March 26 (YPA) – The Islah Party has called for its return to administer the Socotra Archipelago, which is currently controlled by UAE-backed forces, following their expulsion of Islah-affiliated local authorities in June 2020.

Islah party also warned its partners in the government loya to the Saudi-led coalition against the continued dominance of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) over power in Socotra, arguing that the STC’s policies have worsened service and living crises on the island.

Ahmed Juman Saad, head of Islah’s Socotra branch, described the month of Ramadan during a collective Iftar banquet in Hadibo (the archipelago’s capital) on Tuesday as a “month of struggle, effort, and diligence”—hinting at an escalation of tensions on the island.

It is worth noting that UAE forces, with support from the Saudi ‘808’ Brigade, took control of Hadibo in June 2020 after Islah militants were expelled from Aden during clashes with the STC in August 2019. These confrontations later extended to Islah’s removal from Shabwa and Abyan governorates.

