YEMEN Press Agency

Leaked document reveals UAE’s efforts to buy loyalties in Socotra

SOCOTRA, March 11 (YPA) – A leaked official document issued by the head of the so-called “UAE Disbursement Committee” on the Yemeni island of Socotra has revealed shocking details about the disbursement of funds to a number of sheikhs, dignitaries, local leaders, and mosque imams under the name “Civil Entities Incentive.”

The document, signed by the committee’s head, Muhammad Thani Ahmed, and endorsed by the UAE-backed Socotra Governor, Raafat Al-Thaqali, stated that the disbursement process will begin On Tuesday, at the headquarters of pro- UAE official, Ali bin Issa Al-Afrar.

This move comes as part of the UAE’s attempts to strengthen its influence in the Socotra archipelago by buying loyalties and masking its military activities with foreign countries.

Additionally, it aims to divert attention from its exploitation of natural resources and the dire economic conditions faced by Socotra and other provinces under the control of the Saudi-led coalition.

