YEMEN Press Agency

Water, sanitation corporation in Aden declares halt to service

ADEN, Feb. 05 (YPA) – The Aden-based Water and Sanitation Corporation announced on Wednesday an imminent halt to service due to the depletion of reserve fuel.

The corporation said in a statement that the quantities of fuel it recently obtained would run out within the next 24 hours, after the main power plants go out of service.

The statement explained that the failure to provide fuel to operate the power plants that operate the water wells and sewage pumps would lead to a final cessation of water and sanitation services.

It noted that some power generators may be unable to continue operating due to their urgent need for life-saving maintenance.

The coalition-backed Aden government has not responded to purchase a fuel shipment for power plants in Aden for 3 months, in addition to the Hadramout Tribal Alliance preventing crude oil tankers from leaving for the PetroMasila Terminal.