YEMEN Press Agency

American website: the attacks by Yemen’s Armed Forces are among the most significant inflection points in military history

WORLD, Nov. 25 (YPA) – The American website “19FortyFive,” which specializes in defense affairs, acknowledged on Sunday the defeat of the US military in the Red Sea by the Yemeni Armed Forces, confirming that the ongoing attacks by the Yemeni army in the Red Sea are one of the most significant turning points in military history.

The US Army should consider borrowing a page from the playbook of Yemen’s Armed Forces, the website said.

The website explained that the Yemeni Armed Forces have demonstrated that shore-based sea control and sea denial can be highly effective.

They have shown how the US Army and US partners and allies should incorporate new tactics and weapons systems into their forces before the next war comes.

A key aspect of Yemen’s armed Forces’ operations has been the use of one-way attack drones—in effect propellor-driven cruise missiles that are extremely cheap and numerous, presenting unsustainable economic challenge, given the cost of defensive interceptors like SM-2s and SM-6s.

The website urged the US Army to adopt these Yemeni tactics in confronting China.

