YEMEN Press Agency

Hamas condemns brutal Israeli attack on Beirut

GAZA, Sept. 28 (YPA) -The Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas, denounced the Israeli bombing of Beirut’s southern suburbs in Lebanon.

“We strongly condemn the brutal and ongoing Zionist aggression and escalation against the brotherly Lebanese people through savage air strikes,” Hamas said in a statement on Friday.

Hamas renewed its absolute solidarity with “the brotherly Lebanese people and the brothers in Hezbollah and the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon.”

“The occupation and its Nazi leaders are dreaming that by committing the most heinous massacres against the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples, or by targeting resistance leaders and men, they will achieve their malicious goals, or achieve an illusory victory that will eliminate the resistance, its strength and continuity, and the popular support for it,” the statement read.

“We share their pain and hope for victory over this Zionist enemy,” Hamas added, appreciating and commending the Lebanese sacrifices and steadfastness in support of the Palestinian people and resistance.

