YEMEN Press Agency

What is behind US military meeting with head of “Hadramout Tribes Confederacy”?

HADRAMOUT, Sept. 25 (YPA) – The situation in Hadramout province, eastern Yemen, is witnessing a remarkable development following the escalation announced by the Hadramout Tribes Confederacy against the “Presidential Leadership Council” and the government loyal to the Saudi-led coalition at the end of last June.

The growing American interest in the province has appeared since the UAE forces took control of the city of Mukalla, the center of the coastal districts of Hadramout, and the closure of Al-Rayyan Airport to civilian flights and its conversion to a joint American-British military base on the Arabian Sea since 2016.

Media sources reported on Tuesday that the head of the Hadramout Tribes Confederacy, Amr bin Habrish, held a video meeting with the military advisor at the American embassy to the pro-coalition government.

The meeting reflects the extent of American interest in the developments of the oil-rich Hadramout and the tribes that represent an armed force in the province in an attempt to contain them to its side.

According to the sources, bin Habrish presented during the meeting the demands of the people of Hadramout that he presented to the “Presidential Leadership Council” regarding their rights from the revenues of the province’s natural resources.

Bin Habrish urged the US embassy to support the tribal confederacy’s partnership with the government, similar to other components, in reference to the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC).

The embassy’s intention was to win over the tribal alliance and impose its political participation in Hadramout, in conjunction with the presence of the Presidential Leadership Council’s President, Rashad Al-Alimi, and his deputy, Aidaroos Al-Zubaidi, head of the STC, in Washington.

It is worth noting that the American video meeting with Bin Habrish came after a video call the latter received yesterday, Monday, from the European Union ambassador to the pro-coalition government.

This indicates the growing international interest of those countries in the oil-rich Hadramout and containing the tribes’ confederacy and “Collective Hadramout Council” as part of preserving their economic and military interests in the oil provinces located in eastern Yemen.