YEMEN Press Agency

UAE-backed factions disperse Hadramout demonstrations with live bullets

HADRAMOUT, Sept. 03 (YPA) – The UAE-backed armed factions on Tuesday fired live bullets at a protest demonstration by school students in the Ghayl Bawazir district of Hadramout province, eastern Yemen.

Sources familiar with the matter said that dozens of militants that were brought from Aden city during the past month had opened fire on crowds of student demonstrators denouncing the deterioration of service and living conditions.

The sources affirmed the protests took to the streets after deteriorating living conditions due to the collapse of the local currency against foreign currencies, and the rise in the prices of petroleum products, which had an impact on transport costs.

The road closures come after the failure of the UAE forces command, which has been based at Al Rayyan Airport since 2016, to contain the protests of fishermen demanding to open the for fishing after they have been prevented for the past years.