YEMEN Press Agency

Moscow: Germany ignores the real culprits behind Nord Stream Explosion

WORLD, Aug. 19 (YPA) – Oleg Tjapkin, director of the third European department of the Russian Foreign Ministry, has sent new letters to Berlin demanding an investigation into who blew up the Nord Stream gas pipelines under the Baltic Sea in 2022.

In an interview with the “RIA Novosti” news agency, he stated: “The German authorities have included in the wanted list one of the alleged perpetrators of the terrorist acts that occurred in the Baltic Sea, who are Ukrainian citizens. Judging by the fact that the German media has long and methodically supported the thesis that these individuals are not associated with any state, the German investigation will also be closed without identifying the real instigators of the Nord Stream explosions.”

“We have raised the question of whether Germany and other affected countries are fulfilling their obligations under the UN counter-terrorism conventions. In this regard, relevant requests have been officially presented bilaterally, including in Berlin. We are trying to hold talks in accordance with current international regulations. Our next steps will depend on the reaction of Westerners,” he underlined.

