YEMEN Press Agency

Kanaani: Iran does not ask anyone for permission to defend its national security

TEHRAN, Aug. 13 (YPA) – Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani said on Tuesday that his country is determined to defend its sovereignty and national security and to help establish stability in the region and “does not ask anyone’s permission to use its recognized rights.”

This came in Kanaani’s response to the statement published by the three European countries: Germany, Britain, and France.

Kanaani pointed out that the European countries’ statement was published at a time when the Zionist entity continues to commit various international crimes, including genocide and war crimes against the defenseless Palestinian people.

“Due to the inaction of the Western countries that support the Israeli entity and the impunity of the Zionist authorities, the entity has increased its audacity in committing the most heinous international crimes,” the spokesman added.

He noted the deterioration of the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip, and the United Nations and its Security Council have been unable to create deterrence against the criminal Zionist entity for more than ten months.

The spokesman explained that the statement of the three mentioned countries boldly calls on the Islamic Republic of Iran not to take deterrent measures against the Zionist entity that violates its sovereignty and territorial integrity without any protest against the international crimes committed by the entity.

He stressed that such requests lack political logic and are completely inconsistent with the principles and rules of international law. “They are ambitious demands and are considered public and practical support for the source of international crimes and terrorism in the region.”

Kanaani stated that “If the aforementioned countries are looking for peace and stability in the region, they must stand up to the adventure of the Israeli apartheid entity and its attempts to ignite war, and they must immediately stop the war on Gaza.”