YEMEN Press Agency

Southern leader: Coalition loyalists are a gang

SHABWA, Aug. 08 (YPA) – A leader in the “Southern Resistance” and one of the tribal dignitaries of Shabwa province, described those who are ruling the city of Aden and other areas under the control of the Saudi-led coalition as a “gang.”

Salem Abu Zaid Al-Khalifi, a leader in the resistance, explained that the case of the abducted Major Ali Ashal Al-Jaadani has revealed the absence of functioning state institutions.

In a post on the “X” platform, he said that Ashal’s case could lead to the downfall of the “coalition-backed government, its interior minister, and the security chief in Aden.”

He concluded his post by saying, “Clearly, we are ruled by a gang.”

Thousands of Aden residents and people from the southern governorates are imprisoned in dozens of secret jails and detention centers without charges, suffering various forms of torture and abuse, amidst the silence and absence of international human rights organizations.

