YEMEN Press Agency

Abyan Tribal Alliance calls for formation of legal team to follow up issue of detainees, forcibly disappeared

ABYAN, Aug. 08 (YPA) – Abyan Tribal Alliance in southern Yemen, has called for the formation of a legal team to follow up on the issue of detainees and the forcibly disappeared in the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC)’s prisons, in coordination with concerned parties in Aden and other southern provinces.

In a statement released today, Thursday, the preparatory committee of the alliance emphasized the need to unify efforts to deliver justice for the victims of abduction and enforced disappearance as well as to hold the perpetrators accountable.

“The case of Major Ali Ashaal Al-Jaadani was like the spark that ignited the issue of detainees and the forcibly disappeared, whose fate remains unknown. Despite the facts and evidence now being clear to everyone, their fates remain uncertain, with the anti-terrorism agencies in Aden being complicit in the crimes of abduction and disappearance,” the statement read.

The statement praised the role of participants in the successful peaceful rally for Ashal held in Al-Aroudh Square in Khormaksar, Aden, and condemned the brutal repression used by the STC forces.

The preparatory committee urged the free people in Aden and other southern provinces to continue their advocacy efforts, support the causes of the abducted and forcibly disappeared, and engage in all escalating activities demanding truth, justice, and accountability.

The committee reiterated its call on the “Presidential Leadership Council” and relevant government bodies affiliated with the Saudi-led coalition to reveal the fate of all detainees and those forcibly disappeared in secret prisons in Aden and elsewhere.

On August 5 of last year, human rights activist Anis al-Shrek, revealed that that 80% of forcibly disappeared people in the city come from Abyan Governorate.

