YEMEN Press Agency

Assad: If the meeting with Erdoğan yields results and serves the country’s interests, I will do it

WORLD, July 16 (YPA) – Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said on Monday that if a meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan leads to results and serves the country’s interests, he will do it.

In response to a question about the anticipated meeting with Erdoğan, Assad said: “From my position and from his position as officials at the highest level of authority in our countries, if the meeting leads to results, whether it involves a hug, or a reprimand, or what is colloquially referred to as ‘beard-kissing,’ if it serves the interests of the country, then I will do it. However, the issue is not in the meeting itself but rather in the content of the meeting.

He continued: The format of the meeting might be important because the meeting is a means to achieve a goal. What is the goal? We have not heard what the goal is. Solving the problem? Improving relations? Returning them to their normal state? The first question we ask is why did relations deviate from their normal course for the past thirteen years? We have not heard any Turkish official address this point explicitly.”

Assad added, “As we have stated on several occasions and in statements, we are positive towards any initiative to improve relations, and this is the natural thing. No one thinks of creating problems with their neighbors, but this does not mean that we should proceed without principles.”

