YEMEN Press Agency

Pro-Palestinian activists spry red paint over Cambridge University’s historic Senate House

WORLD, June 24 (YPA) – Pro-Palestinian activists have sprayed red paint over Cambridge University’s historic Senate House, in solidarity with the Palestinian people and protest against the university’s continued partnerships with Israeli institutions.

Cambridge students, in collaboration with Palestine Action, sprayed the front of the 18th century graduation hall, demanding the University of Cambridge ‘divest from genocide’.

The organizations emphasized that the prestigious university has funded and facilitated normalization with the ongoing genocide against the Palestinian people.

They noted that Cambridge “has failed to take any action or statement against the atrocities committed by the United Kingdom and the United States with Israel’s support in Palestine.”

They considered that “Cambridge’s graduation hall is stained with the blood of Palestinians, and now (after being splashed with red paint) these stains are visible,” according to the statement.
