YEMEN Press Agency

Palestinian injured by Israeli occupation forces in Jenin

OCCUPIED PALESTINE, June 13 (YPA) – Israeli occupation forces Thursday fired opened fire at a Palestinian young man, after storming the city of Jenin.

According to Palestinian sources, the occupation forces stormed Jabriyat neighborhood, leading to confrontations, during which a young man was shot.

Ambulances crews were prevented from reaching him, the sources said.

The occupation forces attacked medical teams and ambulances, and carried out extensive demolition of infrastructure and citizens’ property, which led to a power outage in several neighborhoods.

The occupation forces also destroyed the monument of martyrs, and raided the Turkish mosque in Jabriyat.

Moreover, the occupation forces bombed a motorcycle in the Jabriyat neighborhood, detained two young men.

Furthermore, the occupation  detained Ibtisam Saleh Turkman, to pressure her son, Mustafa, to surrender himself to the occupation forces.

Additionally, the occupation forces also stormed the town of Ya’bad, and detained one youth.
