YEMEN Press Agency

Hadramout tribes reject Emirati temptations

HADRAMOUT, June 08 (YPA) – The tribes of Al-Hamom in the eastern district of  “Ad Dis”, Hadramout province dealt a significant blow to the UAE, rejecting all tempting offers to allow it to establish a military camp in the Ras Ba Ghshuwa area, which is part of the Sharma Natural Reserve located on the Arabian Sea, east of Yemen, Local sources said.

According to the sources, the tribes of Al-Hamom and Bait Namr rejected all Emirati offers to recruit 200 young men from the tribes in Bait Ghurab, Bait Namr, Al-Hamom, Ras Ba Ghshwa, with each recruit being offered a monthly salary of 1500 Saudi riyals.

The sources affirmed that among the offers presented to the tribes’ members were monthly incentives for the elders of Ras Ba Ghshwa, educating the elders’ children abroad, and lifting the ban on those wanted by the UAE from the tribes of Al-Hamom.

The tribes’ members reiterated in a statement issued after their meeting on Thursday, their rejection of establishing a camp for UAE forces in the Ras Ba Ghshwa area, considering it a natural reserve and a passage for the tribes’ members for fishing from the sea.

The statement issued by the tribes’ members denounced the continuous assaults and harassment by forces loyal to the UAE against fishermen and citizens.

The statement from the Al-Hamom tribes called on authorities loyal to Saudi-led coalition in Hadramout to improve the deteriorating service for the people such as in electricity, address the collapse of prices, and alleviate the unbearable suffering of citizens.

The statement affirmed the commitment of the tribes’ members to enhancing security and stability in their region and province in a manner that preserves the sovereignty of the country.

They rejected the arbitrary Emirati generalization in arresting one of the tribes’ members named Ammar Mubarak Salem Al-Ghrabi, threatening to take drastic measures if they are subjected to an attack.


