YEMEN Press Agency

“Popular Front” calls for revolution against starvation policy in Hadramout

HADRAMOUT, June 03 (YPA) – The “Popular Front to Save Hadramout” called on all political forces and components to form a “revolutionary front” to end the disastrous conditions experienced by citizens in Hadramout and the rest of the provinces controlled by the Saudi-led coalition.

The Popular Front said in a statement issued on Saturday, “The authority’s continued irresponsible neglect of carrying out its duties to find radical solutions to Hadramout’s chronic problems day after day puts us before popular escalation options that force the authority to submit to the demands of the people of Hadramout.”

The statement added that the Hadramout authority is pursuing a policy of indifference in dealing with all sensitive issues that disturb the lives of citizens.

Front statement


The statement confirmed that the Popular Front to Save Hadramout is following the tragic events taking place in Hadramout and the rest of the southern regions, as the people are suffering because of the corrupt authorities “who share the spoils and gains of Chapter Seven,” as it described.

It continued, “The coalition authorities are still practicing genocide against more than seven million citizens in Hadramout and other southern provinces through a policy of mass starvation,” noting the collapse of the exchange rate, the rise in foodstuffs, not to mention the complete paralysis of the electricity system and its being out of readiness in hot climates.

The Front’s statement warned the authorities against continuing the policy of systematic torture and starvation of citizens in Hadramout as a result of the deterioration in electricity service and currency prices and the organized plunder of Hadramout resources and wealth.

The statement called on the people of Hadramout “to stand united, shake off the dust of humiliation, subservience, and subordination, and rise up against humiliation, plunder, and starvation.”