YEMEN Press Agency

STC: We can not expel Al-Alimi from Al-Maashiq Palace

ADEN, April 12 (YPA) – The UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) revealed shocking information in response to calls for the expulsion of  Rashad al-Alimi, the head of the Presidential Leadership Council loyal to Saudi-led coalition, from the city of Aden, which has been under the control of  Saudi-led coalition forces since 2015.

Member of the so-called “National Assembly of the STC,” Wathiq Al-Hassani, addressed the followers of the STC in a post on his “X” account, saying, “The stay of Rashad al-Alimi and those with him in Al-Maashiq Palace is according to Arab and international partnerships and agreements,” describing the STC’s followers as “increasingly enthusiastic.”

He pointed out that the STC cannot expel Al-Alimi and his followers from the southern leaders, whom he refers to as the “July 7 Gang” and dissolve the partnership.

Al-Hassani admitted that the STC was unable to expel Al-Alimi from Aden because the southern regions under coalition control do not have sufficient resources to operate the electricity service and pay civilian salaries.

It is worth noting that Saudi Arabia has begun to trim the wings of the leaders loyal to the UAE in Aden and to reinstate leaders of the Islah party and the former regime accused of committing heinous massacres against the people of the southern provinces to Al-Maashiq Palace.

Members of the Leadership Council Abdullah Al-Alimi and Othman Mujalli appeared walking in the streets of Aden for the first time away from the leaders of the STC who were absent from sight during the Eid al-Fitr prayer without receiving congratulations from the well-wishers.