YEMEN Press Agency

Women mass rally in Sanaa to denounce kidnapping of woman

SANAA, July 10 (YPA) – Women’s Association of Ansar Allah in the capital Sanaa organized on Tuesday protest rally condemning the crime of kidnapping a woman by Saudi-backed militiamen and hiding her from her family in Jawf province.

The participants in the rally confirmed that this crime is an outsider to Yemeni society and is incompatible with tribal values and customs which honor women and raise their status.

The participants said, in a statement obtained by Yemen Press Agency, that the crime of kidnapping women is a crime that violates the dignity of all Yemeni women and Yemenis in general, calling on the United Nations and humanitarian and human rights organizations to consider responsibility and neutrality for this crime.

The statement called on Amnesty International and the Commission on Human Rights to form a committee to investigate on the cases of abductees and to take down the penal sanctions according to international law.

The statement also called on the army and popular committees to respond to the crimes of aggression and stop the attacks and violations of the symptoms of Yemenis and their blood.

Sameera Hassn