YEMEN Press Agency

Hezbollah wages series of military operations against Israeli sites

LEBANON, Nov. 11 (YPA) – Lebanon’s Islamic Resistance announced a series of military operations targeting the positions and forces of the Zionist enemy in occupied territories of Lebanon, causing losses among the enemy’s ranks and equipment.

Hezbollah said in a statements that gatherings of the occupation forces were targeted, in the areas Wadi Shumira, Tal Shaar and Badid, with appropriate weapons.

The statement affirmed the operations came in support of the Palestinian people’s steadfastness in the Gaza Strip and brave and honorable resistance.

According to the statement, the resistance’s fighters attacked Malala and a Zionist infantry force with guided missiles at the Metula site, in addition to the Radar and Zibdin sites in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms.

Lebanese media outlets reported that the resistance launched military operations targeting a number of Israeli enemy sites in northern occupied Palestine, coinciding with the speech of Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah.