YEMEN Press Agency

ESCWA: The number of children killed in Gaza has exceeded the number in all conflicts around the world

WORLD, Nov. 10 (YPA) – ESCWA Executive Secretary Rola Dashti announced that the number of children killed in Gaza in a month has exceeded the number of children killed in armed conflicts in 22 countries since 2020.

During the launch of the rapid assessment sturdy by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), ‘The Gaza War: Expected Socio-Economic Impacts on the State of Palestine’, Dashti said: “The estimated 4,300 children killed in Gaza exceeded the total number of children killed in armed conflict in 22 countries in any year since 2020.”


She stressed the need for a ceasefire and ensuring a sustainable flow of humanitarian aid in order to alleviate suffering immediately and tangibly.

“The level of destruction in Gaza is unimaginable and unprecedented,” she said, adding that “As of November 3, it is estimated that 35,000 housing units have been completely destroyed, and about 220,000 units have been partially damaged.”