YEMEN Press Agency

Amnesty accuses Israeli occupation of committing war crimes in Gaza

SANAA, Oct. 21 (YPA) – Amnesty International has accused the Israeli occupation forces of committing war crimes in the recent war on the Gaza Strip, after air raids caused the elimination of entire families.

The organization said in its report on Friday that the Israeli occupation did not take possible precautions to avoid killing civilians in Gaza, did not distinguish between military and civilian targets, and carried out air attacks directed at civilian targets, which led to large civilian casualties and the killing of entire families.

“The Israeli occupation claims that it only attacks military targets, but in a number of cases, Amnesty did not find any evidence of the presence of fighters or other military targets in the vicinity at the time of the attacks,” Amnesty explained.

It added that the occupation had shockingly disregarded the lives of civilians and destroyed the infrastructure in the Strip, stressing that there was no evidence for its claim that it was only attacking military targets.

Amnesty affirmed that the Israeli occupation practiced an apartheid regime against the Palestinians, and imposed collective punishment and an illegal siege on the Gaza Strip, turning it into the largest open-air prison in the world.

The organization called on the occupation to immediately stop its illegal attacks, adhere to international law, and allow the delivery of humanitarian aid to the Strip, which is suffering from the collapse of the health sector, electricity outages, and food depletion.
Amnesty also urged the international community and the occupation’s allies, including America and the United Kingdom, to take the necessary measures to protect civilians in Gaza from unlawful attacks.

For her part, the Secretary-General of the human rights organization, Dr Agnès Callamard, stated in a report that the Israeli forces showed a shocking disregard for the lives of civilians and used all means to destroy Hamas, resulting in the killing of civilians on a large scale, calling on the occupation to stop.