YEMEN Press Agency

Ansarullah calls on Muslim peoples to take practical action to support Palestinian people

SANAA, Oct. 17 (YPA) -The Ansarullah Political Bureau called on the Arab and Islamic peoples to take practical action in support of the Palestinian people and resistance movements in Palestine and Lebanon.

In a statement issued on Tuesday, Ansarullah reiterated the Yemeni people’s support for the Palestinian people, and resistance movements in Palestine, Lebanon, and elsewhere.

The statement also renewed its support and blessing for the heroic jihadist operations carried out by the resistance movements against the Israeli enemy.

“The Israeli crimes supported by the United States and the West have revealed to the whole world the level of Jewish brutality and criminality, and the level of hatred against Islam and Muslims, and these crimes expose the truth of the false slogans that America and the infidel West claim about the human rights and peoples’ rights,” the statement read.

The statement affirmed that the Zionist crimes will not discourage the Palestinian people and resistance movements from continuing the holy jihad, but will increase their strength and solidity.